Memorabilia Auctions

Did you know we have an AMAZING selection of autographed rock ‘n roll memorabilia that we auction off on EVERY Rock Legends Cruise?

We typically hold two on board auctions and open the doors about 30 minutes prior to the beginning of each auction so you can take a look around at what’s available.

We will offer an online pre-registration you can complete prior to the cruise to save you some time. When you arrive at the auction, look for the pre-registration desk to pick up your bid number and you’ll be ready to walk right in! We’ll send out an email to all of our passengers letting them know when the online pre-registration is open.

Anyone not completing the online pre-registration will be able to complete the registration process at the actual auction on the ship.

What Passengers Think

My wife and I will NEVER MISS The Rock Legends Cruise. We make at least a 2 week vacation out of it, driving down from Cleveland. Pam and the staff at NAHA do an incredible job every year. Whenever we think it can’t get any better than this, it does. It’s a RocknRoll Fantasy. Love to all.

Brian and Karen, NEVER MISS Brian and Karen, NEVER MISS

Every year it gets better and better. All the hard work by NAHA and the organizers shines through every year making this such an outstanding rock festival at sea. The friendships I have made over the years have made life better all year round and I owe that all to this event. Line-up is always top notch and the non-stop music is what every music fan is desperately searching for, and here you have it, 4 unforgettable, amazing days that stay with you all year long as you anxiously await the next sailing. Bring on 2025!

Vickie, Life changing experience Vickie, Life changing experience